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ABCD: 1190

Iona `working area' 66 Iona

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Iona `working area' 66, Iona, 1981, Strathclyde, Scotland NM275235
Period: ?
Category: working area
Notes: ?dating not clear poss 5th cAD
Topography: lowland island coastal
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Sheldon J. 1981. Wood remains. 17. In: Reece R. Excavations in Iona 1964-1974. Institute of Archaeology Occasional Paper No 5. London. [dating not clear but poss. 5th c AD.] Scotland, Strathclyde

Processed by
JMS - Sheldon, Joan M: Institute of Archaeol. London (1979)

Sample Period
1190a PC:PR.SE.ES

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007