Location: Copse Farm 80-3, Oving, nr Chichester, 1985,
Sussex (E & W), England SU9005
Period: late iron Age - early Romano-British c.
Category: farmsteads
Notes: samples from trench B all sealed late IA
Topography: coastal plain
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood
Cartwright. 1985. Charcoal. Fiche 40. In: Bedwin O and Holgate R. Excavations at Copse Farm, Oving, West Sussex, 1984. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 51. 215-45 and fiche. England, Sussex (E & W)
Processed by
CRC - Cartwright, C R: Institute of Archaeol. London/BM Res. Lab.