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ABCD: 1701

Frocester Court 61-7 nr Stroud

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Frocester Court 61-7, nr Stroud, 1971, Gloucestershire, England SO785029
Period: Romano-British 3rd-4th cAD
Category: villa
Notes: a heap of ch barley poss. contained in a wicker basket
Topography: gravel on stiff clay
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Clarke H H. 1970. Appendix III Grain. 81-2 In: Gracie H S (ed) Frocester Court Roman Villa, Gloucestershire. Trans. Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol. Soc. 89. 15-86. England, Gloucestershire

Processed by
HHC - Clarke, Mrs H H: Dept Plant Sciences Newcastle Univ. (1968)

Sample: 1701a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
RO.RB.LR - layer charred grain Roman (RB) 335 400

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: coins
Dating validity: 2
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: grain store assoc with villa

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena fatua pro c Q3 p 1
Avena strigosa pro c Q2 p 1
Bromus secalinus pro c Q p 1
Corylus avellana wwd w p 1
Gramineae pro c QA p 1
Hordeum vulgare pro c !Q p 1
Lolium perenne pro c Q p 1
Polygonum sp. pro c Q p 1
Triticum cf. aestivo-compactum pro c Q p 1
Triticum cf. dicoccon/spelta pro c Q p 1
Triticum spelta glb c Q p 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007