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ABCD: Papaver cf. argemone

Papaver cf. argemone L. ?long prickly-headed poppy



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1737 Watling Court City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
1797 Miles Lane City of London, Greater London, England 1991 ?
1418 Melbourne St 71-6 Southampton, Hamwih, Hampshire, England 1980 Saxon
1419 Poundbury 66-82 Dorchester, Dorset, England 1987 neolithic-post-roman
1449 Upper Bugle St 76-7 Southampton, Hampshire, England 1986 med-post med
1345 Denton 59 nr Grantham, Lincolnshire, England 1971 Roman
1627 Sewer Lane 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1977 ?

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007