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ABCD: Polytrichum commune

Polytrichum commune Hedw.



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1014 Dundurn 76-7 Crieff/Lochearnhead, Tayside, Scotland 1989 7th C AD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1014a PR.SE.MS DN426 dump organic 7thcAD,Pictish 320 680
1053 Townwall Roushill 58-9 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England 1962 medieval ?c. 1275-18th c
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1053b PR.MD.HM 3 layer black sandy silt medieval 1275 1300
1366 Holme Pierrepont nr Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England 1969 -
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1366a PH - caulking canoe caulking pre-historic ? ?
1679 Vindolanda 72 Chesterholme, Northumberland, England 1976 Roman AD 85-125
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1679a RO.RM.ER - floor layers/occupation nr Roman pre-Hadrianic 85 125
1080 Crawford 61-6 Lanarkshire, Strathclyde, Scotland 1974 Roman
Sample Period
1080a RO.RM
1012 Dundas Wharf 82-3 Bristol, Avon, England 1987 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1012d PR.MD.EM nr buildup layer organic and alluvium medieval 1100 1250
1134 St Paul St 77-8 Aberdeen, Farquar & Gill, Grampian, Scotland 1982 Mesolithic/c. 1200/post medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1134a PR.MD.HM AS223 laye boundary ditch fill organic high medieval 1275 1350
1135 Queen St Midden Area 73 Aberdeen, Grampian, Scotland 1982 mesolithis/early 13th/post medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1135a PR.MD.HM FN57/F7A/5 pit fill organic high medieval 1200 1400
1135b PR.MD.HM Area I L 3 midden/dump area nr high medieval 1200 1400
1289 Stanwick nr Catterick, North Yorkshire, England 1954 Iron Age
Sample Period
1289a PH.IA
1616 General Accident York 83-4 York, 24-30 Tanner Row, North Yorkshire, England 1990 roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1616c RO.MR Period 3 ( feature fills, buildups & - Roman 150 200
1616d RO.MR Period 4 ( organic accumulation/buil - Roman 150 200
1616e RO.MR Period 5 ( organic accumulation organic Roman 175 200
1639 Bearsden nr Glasgow (Antonine Wall), Central, Scotland 19?? Roman mid 2nd c AD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1639a RO.? column ditch fill silts Roman ? ?
1926 Eastgate Beverley 83-86 Beverley, Humberside, England 1992 Anglian-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1926a PR.SE:MD Phase 1 extensive layer sandy silt pre 8thc ? 750
1727 Crown Court 85-6 Newcastle Quayside, Tyne and Wear, England 1989 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1727a PR.MD com many ? medieval ? ?
1676 Manchester 1899 Manchester (Deansgate & Hunts Bank), Greater Manchester, England 1899 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1676a RO.? nr (1) pit fill like peat Roman ? ?
1920 Coppergate 76-81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1995 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1920b PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1098 Lochlee Crannog 1878 Tarbolton, Ayr, Strathclyde, Scotland 1878 ?
Sample Period
1098a ND
1138 Newstead 05-10 nr Melrose, Borders, Scotland 1911 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1138a RO.RM.ER:MR nr pit fills dark black organic Roman 80 210

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