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Sites processed by WEB

Boyd, Bill: Dept Botany, Glasgow Univ

Site no Site Location Date Period
1069 Castlehill of Strachan 80-1 Grampian, Grampian, Scotland 1985 c.1250-1350
1149 Fairy Knowe 78 Buchlyvie, Sterling, Central, Scotland 1983 Iron Age 1st c AD - 200 AD
1127 Kintore 84 Inverurie/Aberdeen, Grampian, Scotland 1986 Romano-british
1166 College Goods Yard High St, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland 1986 late medieval-post medieval
1175 Mollins 80 nr Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland 1985 Roman agricolan
1154 Perth Carmelite Friary 82 Whitefriars St, Perth, Tayside, Scotland 1989 13th - ?post med
1367 Over Rig nr Girvan, Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland 1988 ?Iron Age
1172 Nethermills Farm Grampian, Grampian, Scotland 1986 Mesolithic and medieval-early post med


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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007