Cylindrical amphora with collared rim, oval handles with deep
vertical groove and solid conical spike. Rarely stamped; but a few
Haltern 70 stamps can be paralleled on Dressel 20, suggesting
production in the same workshops.
Fabric and technology
Similar to the fabric of the early Baetican oil amphoras.
Augst TG 1-3.
Body sherds not always distinguishable.
Average 30l.
Present in Augustan contexts (e.g. Haltern) but post-conquest in
Britain, up to c. AD 70.
The Guadalquivir valley (as Dressel 20s).
Several painted inscriptions record
or olives preserved in
as the contents of the Haltern 70. Although this much is clear, there
is some dispute about whether
should be considered as a wine or a non-alcoholic sweet syrup (the
current view is summarized by Sealey 1985, 62-3).
Widespread, but relatively sparse, around western Mediterranean (Colls et al. 1977, 36-8);
in Gaul and Germany particularly common along the Rhône-Rhine
axis, but also in western France (e.g.Siraudeau 1988, 183-4)
and Britain.
Colls et al. 1977
Colls, D., Étienne, R., Lequément, R., Liou, B. and Mayet, F., L'Épave Port-Vendres II et le Commerce de la Bétique à l'Époque de Claude, Archaeonautica, 1, 1-143, 1977.
Parker and Price 1981
Parker, A. J. and Price, J., Spanish exports of the Claudian period: the significance of the Port-Vendres II wreck reconsidered, IJNA, 10, 221-8, 1981.
Sealey 1985
Sealey, P. R., Amphoras from the 1970 excavations at Colchester Sheepen, British archaeological reports. British series, 142, BAR, Oxford, 1985.
Siraudeau 1988
Siraudeau, J., Amphores romaines des sites Angevins et leur contexte archéologique, Corpus des amphores découvertes dans l'ouest de la France, 2, 1988.
van der Werff 1984
van der Werff, J. H., Roman amphoras at Nijmegen - a preliminary report, Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, 34, 347-87, 1984.