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6. Designs and Patterns

The range of designs and patterns used on the sgraffito pieces in Buckley have been separated into simple descriptions (see Appendix 3) and listed by rim, side or base of each vessel. In this way, it has been possible to establish the stylistic preferences and their frequency of use. The charts in Figure 8 show the complete range of patterns used on all the sgraffito pieces found at the Brookhill site. Due to the large quantity of designs, it has been necessary to divide them across three charts, which must be viewed together. The analysis is also available as a comma delimited file for downloading.

6.1 Analysis of designs

The three most common designs are as follows:

The second largest group of designs are as follows:

Each of the remaining designs occurs on a maximum of four vessels. In some cases, there is only one example.

Chart of Sgraffito designs
Chart of Sgraffito designs
Chart of Sgraffito designs
Figure 8 (a-c): Sgraffito designs

It is clear from this analysis that a wide variety of themes has been used. Inspiration for these could have come from a diverse range of sources. A survey of other ceramic production centres and their possible influence on Buckley will be found in Section 7. A brief investigation into the history of the development of designs and patterns generally from about the 12th century to the 17th century follows, but first it is necessary to place Buckley into its historical setting in the mid-17th century.

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© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue16/1/ch6.0.html
Last updated: Wed Mar 24 2004