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For the method to work, several prerequisites are needed in terms of the site group (the subject group) that one may wish to 'date' using the database.

Suspected broad date of group:'Good' chronological indicators
Later 1st century ADDrag.15/17 platter v Drag. 18 platter: the higher the proportion of the latter the later the group
Later 1st century ADDrag. 24/25 cup v Drag. 27 cup: the higher the proportion of the latter the later the group
Later 1st century ADDrag. 29 bowl v Drag. 37 bowl: the higher the proportion of the latter the later the group
Mid 2nd century ADDrag. 27 cup v Drag. 33 cup: the higher the proportion of the latter the later the group
2nd century ADDrag. 18/31 or 18/31R dishes v Drag. 31 (dish) or 31R (bowl): the higher the proportion of the latter, the later the group, post c. AD 150/160
Later second century ADDrag. 31 (dish) v 31R (bowl): the higher the proportion of the latter, the later the group, post c. AD 160

Table 4: Ratios between samian form types within groups: some potential indicators of broad chronology

The date-range suggested by reference to the database will, of course, in turn need to be considered and weighed alongside the dates of the coarse pottery and other indices of date in post-excavation studies.

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Last updated: Mon Mar 7 2005