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A Whiter Shade of Grey: A new approach to archaeological grey literature using the XML version of the TEI Guidelines.

Multi-layered presentations of the three reports

This page provides access to the various file formats and presentations of the three Northern Archaeological Associates grey literature reports.

With the exception of the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF files, the remaining presentations are generated from the same base XML documents. The only variations in the other XML documents are the names of the CSS and XSL stylesheets they call.

Certain files may take some time to open. When they do, they will appear in the same browser window. The browser's 'Back' button should be used to return to the article.

Market Place, Thirsk: Negative Watching Brief Report (Cooper 2003)

Catterick Bridge: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording of Strengthening Works (Simpson 1996)

Roecliffe Lane, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report (Young and Fraser 1998)

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© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue17/5/falkingham_practical.html
Last updated: Wed Apr 6 2005