List of Illustrations

  1. Map of northern Britain showing the principal sites examined
  2. Date of the samples collected
  3. Types of sites from which samples were taken
  4. Categories of objects sampled
  5. Histogram showing the lead composition of Roman statues (Craddock 1975: 159, fig 2)
  6. Scatter plot showing the correlation between zinc and tin in Roman alloys (Craddock 1975: 222, fig 5)
  7. Ternary diagram showing the composition of Dolphin brooches (Bayley 1992: fig 10.19)
  8. 3-D surface plot of zinc and tin contents of Roman alloys (unsmoothed)
  9. 3-D surface plot of zinc and tin contents of Roman alloys (smoothed)
  10. 2-D chart of zinc and tin contents, showing the boundaries of the four alloy types
  11. X-ray spectrum produced using EDXRF
  12. Changes in analysed composition as corrosion products are removed
  13. Relationship between zinc content and measured cps for standards
  14. Variance of lead determinations for the standards
  15. Error estimate for zinc
  16. Tin content of Iron Age copper alloys
  17. Tin content of cast copper alloys
  18. Tin content of wrought copper alloys
  19. Lead content of Iron Age copper alloys
  20. Zinc content of Iron Age copper alloys
  21. Arsenic content of Iron Age copper alloys
  22. Iron content of Iron Age copper alloys
  23. Iron content of Roman copper alloys
  24. Cobalt content of Iron Age copper alloys
  25. Nickel content of Iron Age copper alloys
  26. Plot of zinc and tin content of 'Celtic' metalwork
  27. Barchart showing the different alloys used for 'Celtic' metalwork
  28. Plot of zinc and tin content of 'Celtic' swords
  29. Melsonby Hoard: plot of zinc and tin content
  30. Melsonby Hoard: enlarged plot of zinc and tin content
  31. Distribution of Zinc contents in all Roman alloys
  32. Distribution of Tin in all Roman alloys
  33. Distribution of Lead in all Roman alloys
  34. Smoothed 3-D surface chart showing the zinc and tin contents of Roman copper alloys
  35. Boundaries for the alloy types defined from Figure 6.4
  36. Barchart showing the proportions of Roman alloy types
  37. Zinc and tin contents for unleaded Roman alloys
  38. Zinc and tin contents for leaded Roman alloys
  39. Barcharts showing leaded and unleaded alloy compositions
  40. Distribution of Iron in all Roman alloys
  41. Scatter chart showing zinc and iron contents of Roman alloys
  42. Distribution of Nickel in all Roman alloys
  43. Distribution of Arsenic in all Roman alloys
  44. Alloys used for different categories of artefact
  45. Principal brooch types: Nauheim Derivative (XRFID 1230)
  46. Principal brooch types: Colchester A (XRFID 1010)
  47. Principal brooch types: Dolphin (XRFID 1605)
  48. Principal brooch types: Trumpet loose headloop (XRFID 1234)
  49. Principal brooch types: Fantail, fixed headloop (XRFID 1635)
  50. Principal brooch types: Headstud, fixed headloop (XRFID 1766)
  51. Principal brooch types: Dragonesque (XRFID 1392)
  52. Principal brooch types: Penannular, type A2 (XRFID 1505)
  53. Lead and zinc content of Trumpet brooches
  54. Zinc and lead content of Headstud brooches
  55. Zinc and tin content of Dragonesque brooches
  56. Three categories of ligulae analysed in this paper: Long Handle, Small Bowl
  57. Elongated Bowl
  58. Short Handle, Small Bowl
  59. Alloys used for ligulae
  60. Tin content of Roman mirrors and other objects (with tin 15% and over)
  61. Zinc content of Roman Brass coins
  62. Zinc content of Roman Brass coins (mean values for each reign)
  63. Function matched to observed zinc decline
  64. Theoretical zinc decline in recycled brasses
  65. Median values for zinc, tin and lead for each of the first four centuries AD
  66. Chronological changes in the proportions of Roman alloys
  67. Chronological changes in the provenance of samples
  68. Alloys used on a range of Roman sites in northern Britain
  69. Alloys used in indigenous contexts
  70. Dating of samples from a range of different sites
  71. Proportions of alloys used in Roman forts
  72. Proportions of alloys used in Roman vici
  73. Alloys used in Roman towns
  74. Comparison of the alloys used at Brougham with those from other 3rd century sites
  75. Alloys used on larger rural sites
  76. Alloys used on villa sites
  77. The categories of objects analysed from different sites in northern Britain


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Last updated: Thu Apr 3 1997