TAESP: Geomorphological Unit Dataset

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GU Number GU0060
POSI Number TP040
SIA Number TS09
Intensive Survey Zone Karkotis
Easting 489914.00
Northing 3882057.00
Elevation (m) 309
Substratum Bop
Morphostratigraphy Age Quaternary
Morphostratigraphy cg
Erosion Mix
Surface Stability Unstab
Soil Colour Code 10YR 5/3
Soil Colour Wet/Dry Dry
Soil Texture SL
Soil Texture Coarse Term Gravelly
Soil Texture Percentage 95.00
Soil Carbonate Ka
Soil Cover Shg
Soil Coverage (%) 60
Slope (degrees) 20.00
Aspect N
Land Use Ga
Retaining Features
Image Print Number IP0144
Comments Fox Holes; GU has no specified boundaries on image print and was not digitized in GIS. GU placement is too ambiguous for estimated boundaries and does not correlate well with nearby SUs.
Recorded By MLS
Record Date 22/7/2001 00:00:00
Entered By MLS
Entered Date 24/7/2001 00:00:00