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Open Access Archaeology Fund

Help to reduce the barriers to open archaeological research and advance knowledge of our shared human past

Thank You! You have helped to raise £7,642 since the fund started!

Set up to celebrate our 20th anniversary years, Internet Archaeology and the Archaeology Data Service have combined forces to launch the Open Access Archaeology Fund. The fund has the specific aim of supporting the Internet Archaeology publishing and ADS archiving costs of researchers who have no means of institutional support, and whose data is potentially more at risk. We are asking you to support our efforts by pledging a recurring or single gift.

We are grateful for all gifts and to say thank you, everyone who donates over £25 will receive a token of our appreciation - one of our highly desirable red USB trowels. A limited number of special edition orange and purple trowels are also available for those who make larger donations (Orange for donations of £50-£74.99 and purple for £75 and above). Every gift helps. As the Fund develops we will publish here the total funds raised and list the subsequent articles/archives assisted by your generosity. Thank you for your support.

Publications supported by the Fund so far...

Digital archives supported by the Fund so far...

A row of coloured USB trowels OUSB trowels

We will endeavour to process donations as quickly as possible and will endeavour to get your trowel to you within a couple of weeks.

Are you in need of support?

Prospective authors who have no other funding options may wish to apply to the fund to cover their publication and archiving costs. The application form is here but please see our Author Guidelines (Publication fees and funding) for information on when and how to apply.

Successful applicants are asked to help promote the fund and make calls to attract more donations, as a way to 'pay it forward' for all the applicants who come after you.

Internet Archaeology is an open access journal based in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Except where otherwise noted, content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY) Unported licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, the Internet Archaeology journal and the relevant URL/DOI are given.

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Internet Archaeology content is preserved for the long term with the Archaeology Data Service. Help sustain and support open access publication by donating to our Open Access Archaeology Fund.