TAESP: Places of Special Interest Dataset

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POSI Number TP115
GU number GU2628 GU2630
Intensive Survey Zone Xyliatos
Village Ayios Yeoryios
Locality Alestos
Easting 501794.00
Northing 3876460.00
Elevation (m) 562.00
References [Link to Bibliography]
Source GPS
Sheet Map 1:5000 29-XXVI
Team Leader AGR
Summary Possible prospecting hole
Topography On the side of a saddle
Vegetation Young pine, spiney burnet, hawthorn, wild grasses
Access Back road from Alestos to Ayios Yioryios
Description Environment Just on the break of the saddle with the spoil running down the deeper bank.501660E 3876640N from IP0250
Pottery None
Tile None
Chipped Stone None
Ground Stone None
Slag None
Architecture None
Visibility (%) 50
Description POSI Height of hole is 3m; Width of hole is 3mCut at ground level and sloped down to a depth of c. 150cm to a straight back. There was collapse at the sides. It may have gone deeper but this is not clear due to collapse
Condition Collapsed basalt on the west facing side of the hole has filled in the hole to some extent
Settlement No
Church No
Building No
Bridge No
Check Dam No
Threshing Floor No
Tomb No
Kiln No
Other Structure No
Rock No
Mine/Adit Yes
Botany No
Extraction Yes
Road No
Pottery No
Lithics No
View No
Geomorphology No
Prehistoric No
Iron Age No
Hellenistic/Roman Yes
Medieval/Ottoman No
Modern No
Slag No
Shrine No
Entered By ASM
Entered Date 28/7/2002 00:00:00
Recorded By ASM
Recorded Date 28/7/2002 00:00:00