Amphorae - large pottery vessels designed for the transportation and storage of foodstuffs in antiquity, in the Roman period usually wine and olive oil.
Correspondence analysis - a statistical method of displaying trends in cross-tabulated data in two dimensions for visual display.
EVEse - a means of pottery quantification calculated by finding part of a pot that can be measured as a fraction of some whole, usually by measuring rim sherds. These percentages are totalled to give the number of estimated vessels in an assemblage.
Inertia - a measure of the variability described by each axis in correspondence analysis
Mansio - an official road-side settlement for the accommodation of travellers
Mortaria - a Roman pottery form with steep sides inset with angular inclusions, presumably used in the preparation of specific dishes. Not indigenous to Britain.
Period assemblage - the total amount of pottery for any given period
Salazones - a general term for amphorae bottled with high salt-content fish sauces (e.g. garum) and salted fish (Sealey forthcoming).
Supplementary points - extra data in correspondence analysis can be plotted as supplementary points, which are scored according to the results of the main data-set. This permits the comparison of additional data without skewing the results from the original data-set.
Tazze - a late Iron Age pottery form, bowl shaped with carinated sides, often in fine fabrics, and interpreted as a drinking vessel.
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Last updated: Tue May 08 2007