
This research relies heavily on the work of the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii and it is thanks to the continued encouragement and support of its staff and students over the previous 6 years that I have been in a position to produce this research. In particular the project directors, Damian Robinson and Rick Jones, deserve thanks for providing large amounts of friendly advice and background material for this project along with proofreading (Damian) and photos of the Plastico (Rick). Michael Anderson's interpretive and electronic archive work has also been most helpful. Although most of the archaeological information is taken from their research, any errors remain my own.

This work was initially carried out as part of an MA in Archaeological Research at the University of York and my supervisor, Julian Richards, has provided valuable feedback, sound supervision and a much-needed sense of organisation.

Thanks also go to Eric Poehler, Arthur Stephens and Alvin Ho, the AAPP's surveying team, for producing the 3-D data on which this all relies and to Jennifer Stephens, David Rider and Evan Proudfoot for providing quality photos. David Rider also produced the cardboard model for the commercial property. I am grateful to Simon Ellis for helpfully providing the original image subsequently used in his Roman Housing book and am especially appreciative of Judith Winters' helpful advice and boundless patience. Thanks also to Mike Burns who drew the human figures that were incorporated into some models, the foliage was largely produced using Arbaro and Ivy Generator and therefore thanks go to Wolfram Diestel and Thomas Luft respectively. The remarks of the anonymous referee were most helpful in improving organisation and clarity.


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Last updated: Tues Feb 5 2008