5. Results by Micro-Area

5.1 Area 1: Monthelon, Chantal (Figure 9)

Area 1

Area 1 was focused on the right bank of the river Celle, near the modern farm of Chantal, some 5km north of the river Arroux and less than 7km from the edge of Autun. At the centre of the area is the Gallo-Roman villa of Chantal at Les Mazilles mentioned previously (Rebourg 1993), excavated by Bulliot and the current owner's grandfather in the 19th century. At this point, the upper alluvial terrace (Fx) on the right bank of the Celle is roughly 725m wide, and relatively flat; to the west, the ground starts to rise more steeply before descending again into the neighbouring valley of the Méchet. The lower terrace and floodplain varies from 150-300m in width, and covers much of the eastern edge of the study area (see Figure 13).

The investigations in Area 1 were focused almost entirely on the upper alluvial terrace. 13.25 ha of fieldwalking took place, with 11.16 ha of gradiometry and 4.59 ha of resistivity, covering 24.08 ha in total. The study area covers some 1.65km² in total.


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Last updated: Wed Oct 29 2008