6.1.3 Chronology

Caution is required when discussing site chronology on the basis of the pottery recovered in the surface survey. The chronology of Gallo-Roman coarsewares (céramique commune) in much of Burgundy is yet to be firmly established, although the work of Simon (2003), Delor (2003; 2004), and Joly (1990; 1994; 1996; Joly and Mouton 2003) alongside large-scale excavations at Autun and Roanne is now providing greater clarification on the date of some forms. The chronology of the fabrics is yet to be established and little detailed discussion is possible at this stage.

The dates provided for many of the forms presented here, therefore, must be regarded as provisional. In the majority of cases, urban sites provide the main parallels for the Gallo-Roman material and the possibility of variation between rural and urban sites in consumption patterns and chronology of forms should be borne in mind. Joly's (1996) work on production sites for coarse pottery provides further indication of the date for some forms and may in the future provide clearer evidence on the provenance and chronology of particular fabrics.


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