The survey assemblage was divided into fabric groups. In addition to Terra Sigillata (TS) and Amphora (AMPH), the main groups are: (F) finewares, generally the Rhenish type wares common to central France; (R) oxidised, red-orange coarsewares; (B) reduced, black coarsewares; (G) grey coarsewares; (W) white-orange Romanised wares. Follow links for detailed fabric descriptions. Comparison was made with the Mont Beuvray fabric series and possible parallels are noted. Fabric classifications in line with the Beuvray guidelines (Paunier et al. 1994) are given in Section 6.2. John Senior (2001) undertook petrological analysis of a number of samples, but due to the limited work that has been carried out on fabrics from sites in the region, most of the coarsewares cannot yet be located to particular sources.
The forms follow the same basic format as those from Mont Beuvray (Bibracte), using the classification groups outlined in Barral and Luginbühl (1995). Because of the varying chronology of the Arroux valley material, however, the form groups have been assigned new numbers with an additional code (AV) to distinguish them from the Bibracte series. Form parallels from sites elsewhere in the region are noted in section 6.3. Unsurprisingly, the majority of parallels are with assemblages from Autun (Joly 1994; 1996; Delor 2003; 2004; Simon 2003), with others from production centres throughout the region. General parallels in form may also be made with large assemblages from sites further afield such as Roanne (Loire; Genin and Lavendhomme 1997). Some parallels can be made with forms found at Mont Beuvray (e.g. Paunier and Luginbühl 2004, annexe 1), although chronological differences in the Arroux valley material entail a greater variation in forms.
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Last updated: Wed Oct 29 2008