4.3 Results and remarks on the quantitative petrographic analysis of thin-sections

4.3.1 Quantitative arithmetical comparison within and between axe sub-groups

Using the method described above, the residual scores for all 276 combinations of the 24 axe sub-groups (24C2 = 276) were calculated (Markham 2000, appendix 5.5). The theoretical maximum score (residue) is 56 (|10-1| for colour, grain size, pyroxene and feldspar and |0-10| for epidote and apatite = (9 x 4) + (10 x 2) = 56)) and theoretical minimum score (residue) is 0 (i.e. both profiles are the same). The actual average and associated standard deviation of all 276 scores is 12.26 ± 5.15. The lowest 8 residues, all less than or equal to an arbitrary score of 4, are listed in Table 4. The highest recorded residue is 28.

Table 4: Lowest 8 residuals calculated from comparisons between the 24 axe sub-groups. (Extracted from Markham 2000, appendix 5.5)
Comparison between sub-group- And sub-group- Gives residual-
GpI-1 GpIa-1 1.54
GpI-3 GpIa-1 1.73
GpIa-2 GpIII-2 1.95
GpI-1 GpI-3 2.91
GpI-6 GpIa-2 3.13
GpI-1 GpI-4 3.38
GpI-6 GpIII-2 3.92
GpIa-4 GpIa-5 4.00

Comparison between Table 4 above and the thin-section findings described earlier shows the quantitative method clearly reflects the petrographic observations. The low residues between GpI-1, GpIa-1, GpI-3 and GpI-4 clearly indicate a marked similarity between these groups. Similarly, the comparison between GpI-6 and GpIa-2 returns a low residual, supporting the observations made.


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