5.6 Field drawings: section drawings

Section drawings and profiles are conventionally drawn at scales of 1:5 or 1:10, with detail recorded as appropriate using standard conventions to identify animal bone, ceramics and stone. The very sandy conditions and limited layer visibility that prevail on most sites excavated by the LRC mean that in many cases there is little to draw beyond the feature profile. Rather than digitise these in 3-D space, reducing subtle differences that are represented by shading or stipple to 3-D lines, the approach used has relied on the incorporation of digitised images of the field drawings, scanned using a flat-bed scanner at resolutions of 300-600 dots per inch (dpi). Section drawings are not redrawn for publication, the scanned originals being archived within our WEB-CD structure that is linked via the database or the Matrix Manager to the individual contexts or drawings. As with complex areas seen in plan, sections are occasionally recorded through a photo-mosaic where it is possible to locate the camera face-on to the section face.


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Last updated: Wed Nov 11 2009