1.4 Post-fieldwork analysis

The Manpower Services Commission (MSC) funded significant post-excavation work on the structural analysis carried out by Peter Davenport in 1978-79. The structural report was first drafted at this time, and is published here as revised for the early prehistoric period, but with only minimal revision for the Iron Age period. The final site plans are as finalised and inked in 1979, and these were professionally scanned for inclusion in this report, the quality being as good as could be achieved by this method, which was necessitated by budget constraints. Specialist reports have either been fully revised or undertaken for the first time in 2007-8 as part of the current publication project, and a new discussion section has also been written.

1.4.1 Structure of the report

This report has been structured so as to retain large parts of the original 1979 site interpretation, integrated with the later re-analysis and final reporting in 2008, so that the evolution of archaeological interpretation is documented. This has been clarified in the text by indications of reporting year, where useful.


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Last updated: Wed July 21 2010