4.1 Step 1: linking external data

Before starting this step, make sure that you have downloaded the cattle shapefiles and the sample dataset.

  1. Open cattle.mxd in ArcMap.
  2. In the list pane, right-click on the elements layer and choose 'joins and relates', then 'joins'.
  3. In the dialogue box, select 'compcode' in the first box. Click the browse button to the right of the second box, and find the sample dataset. Click add, select Gomolava, and click add again. In the third box, chose the field 'ID' and click OK.
  4. Right-click the elements layer again, choose 'open attribute table', and check to see if the fields from the excel table have been added.

You now have the summary butchery data for cattle-sized mammals at Gomolava appended to your template (although this has been modified somewhat for convenience and is not entirely accurate). Note that the three features corresponding to the pelvis (ilium, ischium, and pubis) have not linked properly. This is because the external data treats the pelvis as a single bone, and hence the numerical codes do not match. The problem can be fixed by editing the 'compcode' field:

  1. Right-click the elements layer, choose 'joins and relates', and remove the join.
  2. On the editor toolbar, open the drop-down list marked 'editor' and choose 'start editing' (if the editor toolbar is not shown, enable it using the 'toolbars' item in the view menu).
  3. Open the attribute table and find the three pelvic elements. In the compcode field, replace each relevant value (70, 71, and 72) with 66 - the general code for pelvis.
  4. You may also want to edit the 'composite' field to reflect this change.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 to renew the join.


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Last updated: Thu Feb 25 2010