1.2.1 Collage pack instructions
The following instructions were provided to participants.
- Use the images provided (Collage Pack A and B) to explore novel connections between the body of the text, the images within the text, and between the images in the collage packs. There are no correct or incorrect images for each chapter. Use those that you feel best stimulate your imagination and learning. In fact, it may be most helpful to juxtapose images that do not appear to have an immediate relationship to one another.
- Remember as you explore the images that they themselves are interpretations. Representing a small percentage of many possible images and passages, the selection of one over another for inclusion was an inherently interpretative act on the part of the researcher. This interpretative process is further compounded as you select images. Some juxtapositions are already introduced into the text and others are suggested through interrelated captions. Careful pre-selection and some juxtaposition were considered necessary in order to provide an element of structure to the experience for those participants who are not familiar with the process of archaeological thought or that of collage-making. The choice to introduce a limiting structure to this experience represents a translation of the fact that individual experiences and interpretations of the performance of discipline in the past, although unique in some senses, would have been structured by powerful outside influences such as the Kirk and the community.
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