Appendix Ic: Details of Artefacts - Branks

No.ChurchNMR no. if at church/museumStyle
C1 Dunnotar Marischall Museum, Aberdeen: 18700 Complete. Open-faced. Standard mouth piece design.
C2 Brechin On loan to Montrose Museum from Brechin Museum Complete. Open-faced. Standard mouth piece design.
C3 Unknown National Museum of Scotland: H.MR 22 Complete. Open-faced. Standard mouth piece design.
C4 Kintore National Museum of Scotland: H.MR 49 Incomplete. Closed around nose. Solid mouth piece.
C5 Unknown St Mungo's Museum of Religious Life. Glasgow: OG49-30u Complete. Closed around nose. Standard mouth piece design.
C6 Holy Trinity, St Andrews NO51NW 17 Complete. Closed around nose. Standard mouth piece design.
C7 Newhills Marischall Museum, Aberdeen: 18701 Complete. Closed around nose. Standard mouth piece design.
C8 Unknown NMS: H.MR 23 Complete. Closed around nose. Rowel mouth piece.
C9-C12 Excluded due to ergonomics negating human wear: National Museum of Scotland: H.MR 45, H.MR. 24; Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow Due to civil context: The Meffan, Forfar, Witches Branks.
C13–C20 Excluded due to continental origin: McManum Museum, Dundee, 1989-315-1 to 1989-315-5; Kelvingrove Due to possible continental origin or copy: Montrose Museum, Montrose LH1977277 and unknown.


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