S. Maria in Vincis

The church of S. Maria in Vincis was also known as S. Maria 'de Guinizo', from the noble medieval family of the Guinizi. Muñoz (1932a) remarks that he would have preferred to save the remains of the ancient church,

'da molto tempo ridotta a magazzino e non se ne vedeva che il portale in stucco' 'long turned into a warehouse and of which only the stucco portal was visible'

(see Figure 23; Armellini and Cecchelli 1942, 686-7; Lombardi 1996, 268). He further describes the discovery of the rest of the façade and of the right side built in bricks and datable to the 12th-13th century

'ma in tale stato di fatiscenza che rendeva necessario ricostruirla totalmente; sicché si è ritenuto più opportuno demolirla' 'but so dilapidated that it would have to be entirely rebuilt; thus it was decided to demolish it instead'

Behind the church, he found two 'medieval arches, with frescoes of saints, dating to the 9th century', which were detached and brought to the Museum of Rome (Muñoz 1932a, 42; Pietrangeli 1992, 64-6).

Figure 23

Figure 23: Via del Mare and the church of S. Maria in Vincis during demolition (AFSRCM).


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