S. Lorenzo in Nicolacaso

The church of S. Lorenzo in Nicolacaso, also called de palpitariis, was demolished in 1943 (Figure 22). It was first mentioned in 1192, but it was probably housed in a pre-existing building. This is suggested by the different types of masonry on its left side, which rested on a high podium of large tufo blocks. While the small church was being torn down, its apse was exposed. Since the church is not mentioned in catalogues from the the mid-1500s, it is likely that by then it had been deconsecrated and transformed into a private residence (Armellini and Cecchelli 1942, 647, 1330). The church façade was preserved within this structure with some modifications: a painting of the Crucifixion under the roof was protected by a niche, while the large recycled ancient column visible in Figure 22 may have belonged to the front entrance.

Figure 22

Figure 22: The church of S. Lorenzo in Nicolacaso (AFSRCM)


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