I chose to use the technique referred to by Hillier and Hanson as "gamma-analysis" (Hillier and Hanson 1984, 147) to study access at HP4. This generates data that can be used to gain an understanding of how people and animals would have moved around the site. The clearly defined fence lines of this hut platform make it a suitable subject for analysis of this sort, as does the preservation of the entrances to most of the buildings. Hillier and Hanson make a distinction between "alpha-analysis", used for settlements, and "gamma-analysis", used for buildings — or, more precisely, "premises" (Hillier and Hanson 1984, 147). My choice of the latter type of analysis represents my interpretation of HP4 as a "subdivided cell within a continuous open space" (Hillier and Hanson 1984, 147), rather than as a "continuous open space containing a number of cells" (Hillier and Hanson 1984, 89). The method used in this study is presented in Quantifying Spaces as a series of instructions for purposes of clarity and conciseness.
Figure 1: (a) General plan of Hut Platform 4, after Drewett (Drewett 1982, 326); (b) Identification of spaces within the hut platform, produced from Drewett's figs 5 and 9 (Drewett 1982, 327, 335). The semi-elliptical spaces within the huts represent the areas illuminated by natural light through the doors, which includes the spaces within the porches.
Figure 2: Codes for parts of the site (Quantifying Spaces, step 9).
The numbers representing the order of control and Real Relative Asymmetry (RRA) values across the site were used to allow visual comparison of the results of gamma-analysis with the locations of relevant artefacts and ecofacts within the site. The following steps give details of the process by which this was done.
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