
This article presents the results of the 'CORONA Archaeological Atlas Project', an initiative funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Council of Learned Societies, undertaken from 2008-2011. This effort developed means for efficient orthorectification and online distribution of CORONA satellite imagery in the Near East. We also incorporate initial results of a follow-up project, supported by the NASA Space Archaeology program, 'Settlement Systems and Environmental Change in the Northern Fertile Crescent', designed to analyse CORONA imagery alongside other satellite remote sensing datasets. All research has been undertaken at the University of Arkansas Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, and thanks go to the hardworking staff of that fine organisation. Many CAST staff members and project employees have contributed to our work over the past several years, but special thanks goes to John Wilson, Jeff Gingras, Graham Callaway, Elise Jakoby and Adam Barnes. Thanks also go to many colleagues who provided input regarding various examples in the article, including Tony Wilkinson, Jason Ur, Dan Lawrence, Nick Kouchoukos, Carrie Hritz, and Graham Philip, as well as to Anthony Beck for detailed comments on an early draft of this paper.


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