Table of Figures

Plate 1: Musket ball with possible imbedded iron nail

Plate 2: Volunteer metal detectorists carrying out systematic survey of the battlefield

Plate 3: Tub of musket balls and other signature artefacts recovered from the battlefield of Philiphaugh

Plate 4: The battlefield of Sedgemoor, Somerset

Plate 5: Battle-related objects identified by the author and Treasure Trove

Plate 6: Discovering a musket ball during an organised metal detecting rally on the Battle of Prestonpans, East Lothian

Plate 7: American Civil War relics on sale

Plate 8: Metal detectorists volunteering to catalogue artefacts recovered during survey

Plate 9: Members of the metal detecting team at Philiphaugh

Plate 10: Artefacts recovered from Tywardreath individually bagged and numbered

Figure 1: Distribution map of lead projectiles recovered from the battlefield of Sedgemoor

Figure 2: Volume and type of signature artefacts recorded on eBay

Figure 3: Distribution map of sites of conflict recorded on eBay

Figure 4: Distribution map showing results of the archaeological survey and artefacts recorded during the rally

Figure 5: 'Where to dig up a fortune in Scotland' - note the inclusion of the Battle of Culloden

Figure 6: Sketch map depicting concentrations of musket balls on the battlefield

Figure 7: Distribution map of artefacts from Tywardreath and recorded on GoogleEarth


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File last updated: Thu Feb 28 2013