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Table 6: Peloponnesian site numbers by survey and period.
Number in (parentheses) represents only Hellenistic and only Roman sites. Number in [square brackets] excludes Argolid Early Hellenistic sites. Bold denotes extensive surveys. † represents 'black-glazed' sites, whose date could be anywhere from 5th to 1st century BC. Data for Megalopolis is such that definitive breakdown by period is not possible. % are rounded to nearest 0.5. Full data available in Stewart 2013a.
Survey Project All Hell. Only Hell. Hell.-Rom. All Rom. Only Rom. Approx. % Change from Hell. to Roman
Sikyonia 22 13 9 18 9 -18 % (-30.5%)
Berbati-Limnes 22 18 4 8 4 -63.5 % (-78%)
Methana 48 33 15 25 10 -48 % (-70.5%)
Southern Argolid 107 [43] 84 [37] 6 10 4 -90.5 % [-74.5%]
(-96 % [-89%])
Achaea 34 24 10 18 8 -47% (-67%)
Laconia 75 53 22 52 30 -30.5% (-43.5%)
UMME 61 27 34 54 20 -11.5% (-26%)
PRAP 24 3 21 26 5 + 7.5% (+ 40%)
Megalopolis 20 (94)† NA NA 28 NA + 28.5% (-70%
Asea 25 17 8 21 13 -16% (-25.5%)
Eastern Arcadia 16 6 10 11 1 -31% (-83.5%)

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