3. Methodology

The project was built upon an internet browser-based application that allows LIDAR data and other relevant cartographic and photographic material to be viewed. Amateur and non-professional archaeology enthusiasts with little or no experience utilising GIS or LIDAR technology were asked to transcribe archaeological features visible on various LIDAR images, using drawing tools provided by the application. The data used were provided by third parties such as Google, or bespoke data sources served via the project web map server. The transcribed features were stored in a spatial database along with textual information for each feature. Each participant was asked to complete a specific 5x5km grid square but was free to identify or comment on features outside their assigned grid square where possible.

Figure 6

Figure 6: Greyscale raster image of Digital Terrain Model [DTM] lidar data.

The project used data organised by the Cranham Local History Society for the Cranham LIDAR Survey Project 2008, funded by a grant from the Cotswold Conservation Board Sustainable Development Fund and donations by community group and organisations. The survey took place in the winter of 2008 when leaf cover was minimal and was conducted by Richard Chiles of Precision Terrain Surveys Ltd. The society provided 100 sq. km consisting of 122 tiles of LIDAR data, with a resolution of 1m, provided in ASCII format. The DTM was derived using bespoke filtering algorithms proprietary to the ArTEMiS (Airborne Terrain Elevation Mapping System) system designed by Precision Terrain Surveys Ltd. The data were collated into a mosaic using QGIS GIS software (Figure 6).


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File last updated: Wed Oct 23 2013