Figure 5: Roof-shaped test landscapes and LCPs calculated on the basis of the straightforward effective slope method with the A- and B-move option. LCPs connecting points 1 and 2, 2 and 3 as well as 1 and 3 are shown. Point 2 is located on the top of the roof, 1 and 3 are on the gutters. The LCPs resulting from the cost function |s|+1 with s percent slope are identical on both a gradient of 15% and 45% (a and b). The quadratic cost function with a critical slope of 12% results in fairly straight-line connections on a slope of 10% (c), whereas with a slope of 15% (d) the LCP includes bends. The example is constructed in such a way that even with A- and B- moves, the LCPs on gradients below the critical slope do not form perfectly straight lines. Image credit: I. Herzog.
Figure 5

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