Table 1: Gender and Digital Culture Survey Questions (Questions that required an answer are marked *)
Question 1 asked whether the user agreed to proceed with the survey having read the privacy and ethics statement.
Question Number Question Answer Format Answer Options (where relevant)
2* Do you use digital media in your professional life? Yes/No
3* What forms of digital communication do you use in your professional life? Tickbox (Please select all that apply). Email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WordPress, Blogger, Reddit, LinkedIn,, Skype, Other (please state).
4* What is your gender? Tickbox Male/Female/ Trans/ Prefer not to say
5* What is your age? Tickbox 18-25/ 26-35/ 36-45/ 46-55/ 56-65, 66-75/ Over 75/ Prefer not to say
6* Do you currently work in Higher Education? Yes/No
7* What is your area of work? Academics should give their discipline. Non academics should give their professional field. Open response.
8* How would you describe your position in your career? Tickbox Junior member of my profession/ Established member of my profession/ Managerial position/ Directorial position/ Retired/ Student or jobseeker/ Prefer not to say.
9* How much do you think your use of digital media impacts upon your work? Please choose from 1 to 5, where 1 is ‘not at all’ and 5 is ‘very strongly’.
10* How much do you think your use of digital media impacts upon your professional image? Please choose from 1 to 5, where 1 is ‘not at all’ and 5 is ‘very strongly’.
11* What do you use social media for in your professional life? Tickbox (Please select all that apply) Networking/ Research/ Peer Communication/ Support/ Public Engagement/ I do not use social media in my professional life
12* Overall, has digital media had a positive or negative impact on your professional life? Tickbox Very negative/ Slightly negative/ Neither negative nor positive (neutral)/ Both negative and positive (mixed)/ Slightly positive/ Very positive
13* Have you ever experienced online communication in your professional life that made you feel uncomfortable or was inappropriate? Yes/No
14 How many times have you experienced online communication in your professional life that made you feel uncomfortable/was inappropriate? Tickbox 1/2/3/4/5/ more than 5/ Prefer not to say
15 What was the gender(s) of the person(s) involved? Tickbox Male/Female/ Trans/ Unknown/ Prefer not to say
16 Was this communication/s through a private message (such as an email or Direct Message) or a public post (such as Twitter Post or Facebook Wall)? Tickbox Private/ Public/ Both
17 Did you know this person/people personally through another medium? Tickbox (Please select all that apply). Face-to-face meeting or conversation/ Phone conversations/ Post (mail)/ I did not know them through a non-digital medium
18 What was it about the communication(s) that was inappropriate/ made you feel uncomfortable? Open answer.
19 Did you take any action as a result of the communication/s? Yes/No
20 If you did take action, what form did it take? Open answer
21 Have you ever been aware of your colleagues experiencing online communications which made them feel uncomfortable, or which they thought were inappropriate? Yes/ No
22 How many colleagues mentioned experiences of this kind? Tickbox 1/2/3/4/5/more than 5
23 To the best of your knowledge, what was it about the communication/s that made your colleague/s feel uncomfortable or that they felt was inappropriate? Open answer
24 Would you be willing to be contacted to discuss your experiences further? Any information given will be treated with strict confidence and will be anonymised before being distributed or incorporated into published research. Yes/ No