Table 1: Project Eliseg Season 2 Vlog, 2011
Vlog day Duration Interviewees (in order of appearance) Topics discussed Views by 8 April 2014 URL
1 1:34 HW Reviews the 2010 field season's results supported by still images, the first day of removing the turf and a walk up a mountain 288
2 2:33 HW, NE Discussion of the prominent and strategic location of the monument with humorous outtake postscript 230
3 4:01 HW, JK Lunchtime review of the fieldwork combined with a discussion of the rationale for the daily vlog, with humorous outtake postscript 185
4 3:59 GR, JK, SE Reporting of the first discoveries and finds plus a discussion by SE of the results of her undergraduate dissertation that revealed the neutral local engagement with the Pillar of Eliseg 157
5 4:27 GR, JK, Rose Roberts, Hannah Pighills, Adam Flynn Discussion of the excavation methodology on the mound, attempts to identify a ring-ditch and the composition of the kerbed cairn uncovered. Humorous outtake by Adam Flynn 227
6 3:51 HW, NE Humorous discussion of on-site photograph and serious discussion of the antiquarian afterlife of the Pillar of Eliseg. Humorous postscript 201
8 2:03 Dilwyn Griffiths Welsh language round-up of the Pillar of Eliseg and Project Eliseg 254
8 2:02 JT English language round-up of week 1 and discussion of the rationale of the video recording of the project 148
9 3:19 GR, Adam Flynn Discussion of the provisional phasing identified in the composition of the mound from its prehistoric phases into later times with humorous postscript from Adam Flynn 161
10 2:22 Katy Robinson, HW, JK A discussion of a possible secondary burial in the cairn and comedic discussion of our inability to find the ring-ditch we were seeking. Humorous JK postscript 116
11 3:30 HW, Lewis Ernest Review of progress following our Cadw inspection and progress with the excavation, followed by a discussion of the absent ring-ditch, all delivered with intentional and semi-intentional humour 155
12 3:46 HW, JK, Hannah Pighills The identification of possible secondary burials and a justification of the pace of progress 247
12 1:37 JKThe discovery of a secondary cist in section 340
13 4:15 JT, Adam Flynn, Rose Roberts, HW Our media supervisor fills in while the directors are busy on the open day, discussion of the excavation and the plan to backfill the site. Discussion of the sense of place 167
14 4:09 HW, GR, NE and Adam Flynn Review of the results of the field season and the site's backfilling 538
TOTALS 45.28   3414  

Key to abbreviations

JK = Joanne Kirton, Site Supervisor, 2011-12
JT = Joseph Tong, Media Supervisor
GR = Gary Robinson, Project Director
NE = Nancy Edwards, Project Director
NMcG = Neil McGuinness, Site Supervisor, 2012
HW = Howard Williams, Project Director
SE = Suzanne Evans, Community Liaison


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