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4.4.6 Amphora fabric 2: Etruscan Amphorae

This group of Etruscan amphorae includes the distinctive Handle 6 which is a recognisable sub-group within Gras type EMA and Py type 5 (e.g. Celuzza and Rendini 1991, 27-8, Nos.13-14; Gras 1985, fig 46b top, third from left; Rizzo 1990, 274-8, 311, 378, 379). However, type 1 handles and a Doganella type 3 base were also found in this fabric. This indicates that this particular fabric was not only used for the distinctive group with angled handles and a flat base, but also for amphorae with curved handles and pointed base with a squared-off end. The volcanic inclusions suggest an origin between the Fiora and the Tiber.


Type 1

Arched handle on the shoulder of the vessel with a circular section (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 40.4).

Type 6

Distinctive handle rising vertically from the shoulder and turning sharply through 90º to run horizontally to join an indistinct neck (cf. Celuzza and Rendini 1991, 27-8, Nos.13-14; Gras 1985, fig 46b top, third from left; Rizzo 1990, 274-8, 311, 378, 379).


Doganella Type 3

Pointed base with a squared-off end (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 40.9). This base occurs in Gras 1985 types EMD and EME and Py type 4 (Py and Py 1974).

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Last updated: Fri Nov 13 1998