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6.4 Late Mesolithic: Multi Dimensional Scaling

From the Multi Dimensional Scaling, performed here as well on the basis of progressive classification and the Phi coefficient, the limited typological variation of the late Mesolithic sites also becomes apparent. In the 2-dimensional diagram (Strain=0.123) the two large sites are in the middle of the group of intermediate sites and therefore deviate very little, if at all, from these in artefact composition. The sites 52B-147 and 52B-151 are remarkable because of the lack of scrapers, present on all other intermediate and large sites. The sites 52B-152 and 52B-286 are somewhat separate, due to a relatively low percentage of production debris. The small site 52B-286 appears to incline more towards the large sites than the other two small sites on the basis of this analysis. Together these 12 sites constitute a more or less homogeneous group. The only real exceptions are the small sites 52B-153 and 52B-174, specifically because of a complete absence of tools.

[Multi Dimensional Scaling: late Mesolithic]
Fig. 51 Multi Dimensional Scaling diagram for the late Mesolithic with the sites depicted as segment diagrams.


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Last updated: Wed Feb 25 1998