
The author would like to express his thanks to all those staff, now or formerly of Avon Archaeology Limited, who worked on the site during the excavation, namely William Budd, Susana Dias, Rachel Heaton, Lynn Hume, Sarah Newns, Kevin Potter and Andrew Young. The drawn figures were produced by Susana Dias, Kevin Potter, Rachel Heaton and Gareth Dickinson. We are also grateful to the developers of the site, Elim Housing, and particularly to Sharon Wixon and Jayne Busby-Williams of that organisation, who extended every courtesy and co-operation during both our time on site, and in the post-excavation phases of the work.

Dr Rachel Tyson is very grateful to Tom Addyman of Addyman Archaeology for discussing and providing information about the excavation of Joseph's Black's chemical equipment from Edinburgh, and to Dr Alison Morrison-Low of the National Museum of Scotland for information about barometers.


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