10. Critique

It is within this scheme, ie the existing reflexive framework at ÇRP, complemented by a consideration of the material agency of the tablet and the wider realm of archaeological practice, that we have constantly attempted to remain critically self-aware of the methodological processes we have been developing and have aimed to tune and refine those processes accordingly. Overall it is reasonable to say that the first phases of 'digitalisation' at Çatalhöyük have been a resounding success. Currently the project has digitised the entire production of field graphics, and continues to work on refining the use of 3D models as a tool for field recording (with at least one area supporting their entire excavation with a fully integrated 3D approach to recording), as well as introducing digital record sheets in direct connection with the database, that are filled in on the tablets in the field. However, it would be misleading to say that the process has gone without a hitch, and isn't subject to some genuine critical concerns, which have become apparent as we have tried to implement, modify, and adapt to these workflows; these concerns warrant further discussion here.


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