Figure 9

3D model of the north room of Building 97 (generated by Julius Lundin), the west wall of Building 43, and the southern and south-eastern corner of Buildings 17, 6 and 24 (see also Figure 10). This sequence was particularly complex stratigraphically, and the section through this latter sequence of structures (a legacy of James Mellaart's 1960s' campaign), although stable, was particularly inaccessible due to its height. The section itself corresponds to drawings made by previous members of the current team in the 1990s (see Figure 10). However, an ongoing Bayesian dating project at the site required its stratigraphic re-evaluation in the 2012 field season. 3D 'structure from motion' capture of the section in the field (in this case initially processed at low resolution in the field, upon the tablets themselves), allowed the excavators not only to re-record the section from a digital source, but also to reinterpret it by being able to consider it from numerous perspectives that were not readily accessible from the ground or by ladder, and which were hard to derive from conventional 2D drawn records.

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