List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of southern Pannonia with sites mentioned in this article. (after Google Mmaps, modified by T. Leleković)

Figure 2: Pannonian slipped ware (PSW) finds from the site of Mursa. (Photo T. Leleković)

Figure 3: Overview of Pannonian slipped ware (PSW) forms discovered in Mursa and Cibalae: cups (1-4, 8-14), dishes (5-7), bowls (15-19). Catalogue of finds in Table 2. (Drawing M. Galić)

Figure 4: Relationships between the diameters and volumes of Pannonian slipped ware (PSW) sigillata imitations found in Mursa pre-colonial cemetery.

Figure 5: Imitation of a Consp. 20 plate from Claudian layer in Siscia. (Photo T. Leleković)

Figure 6: Graphical presentation of the rim diameters of the forms of PSW (Pannonian slipped ware).

Figure 7: Graphical presentation of the rim diameters of the relevant terra sigillata forms.

Figure 8: Graphical presentation of range of the average size of the rim diameters in PSW (Pannonian slipped ware) forms.

Figure 9: Fragments of relief-ornamented Pacatus-ware that were found in Mursa. (Photo T. Leleković)

Figure 10: PSW (Pannonian slipped ware) imitations of terra sigillata cups Consp. 42 and Consp. 45 which were found in Mursa cemetery. (Photo: T. Lelekovic)

Figure 11: PSW (Pannonian slipped ware) imitations of terra sigillata cups Consp. 42 and Consp. 45 and dishes Consp. 39 found in Mursa cemetery. (Photo: T. Lelekovic)

Figure 12: Graphical presentation of comparison of the rim diameters between terra sigillata and PSW (Pannonian slipped ware) imitations according to types of PSW.


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