List of Tables

Table 1: Changes made to Greene's vessel classification (Greene 1979, 32; Greene 1993, 13-14), listing four vessel forms from Usk with their alternative classifications reduced to one for the purposes of comparing these vessels (see Figure 3). Vessel numbering from 'Baddiley reference' in Tables 6 and 7

Table 2: Calculated Opt, 'Opt (ml)', and Max, 'Max (ml)', capacities for the silverware from the House of the Menander in Pompeii. 'Groups', 'Painter Classifications', 'Cat. nos' and the pairing of vessels in each group from Painter (2001, 18, table 3.1, 62-63). This table also includes: the difference between Opt and Max capacity, 'Range (ml)', for each vessel; the average capacity of the paired group, 'Mean (ml)'; and the variation of each vessel capacity from the mean of the group, 'DFM (ml)'

Table 3: Calculated Opt and Max capacities for glassware vessels from Colchester, using Cool and Price's vessel classifications and catalogue numbers (1994, 49, 67, 81, 91)

Table 4: Calculated Opt and Max capacities for Drag. 27 (large) vessels from Usk, showing the variation of each from the mean capacity of the whole group, respectively (Opt DFM and Max DFM). Catalogue numbers from Tyers (1993, 147-60).

Table 5: Calculated Opt and Max capacities for Drag. 27 (large) vessels from Usk, with the four outliers removed (i.e. cat. nos 55, 104, 135 and 143)

Table 6: Calculated Opt and Max capacities for Lyon ware cups and beakers from Usk. 'Baddiley reference' is numbering for individual vessels used in this article. 'Form types' and 'Figure' references from Greene (1979, 28-34) used to calculate vessel capacities

Table 7: Opt and Max capacities for Usk Ware drinking vessel forms, in descending capacity order. 'Baddiley reference' for the vessel form types used in this article; 'Classification' according to criteria identified in Section 1.2. The 'Form type' from Greene (1993, 12-15)

Table 8: Numbers of vessel types with capacities of less than 1 litre, showing numbers of each vessel type with capacities of 130ml-400ml, 500ml or more, and total numbers for each type

Table 9: Numbers of vessel types with capacities of over 1 litre, showing numbers of each vessel type with capacities of 1 litre-3 litres, 4 litres or more, and total numbers for each type

Table 10: Roman liquid measures with similar volumes to the vessels in this study (from Dannell 2006, 153, fig. 6.2).


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