9.1.8 Modified Bone

Two modified bones from 12 Martin's Lane are of interest: one, a cetacean fragment from Phase 5 (Context 162) was probably an offcut resulting from artefact production. The fragment was chopped roughly at either end and bore three deep parallel hacks on one surface (L.38.4mm, W.33.3mm, T.12.2mm).

A sheep/goat distal tibia from Phase 4 at 12 Martin's Lane (Context 198) had apparently served as a rough and ready tool for mixing or spreading mortar. The tibia was hacked medio-laterally across its shaft and mortar had been pushed into the marrow cavity, while the outer surface and distal extremity were also coated in the substance. A similar tool, this time made from a dog humerus, was recorded at Green's Playhouse, Dundee (Smith 1998b, 196).


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