Table 36: Frequency of Metopism in various British populations.
*From Miles 1989
% n
Kent Trentholme Romano-British 5 ? Warwick 1968*
York St Helen-on-the-Walls C10–C16th 11 ~550 Dawes 1980
London St Nicholas Shambles C11-12th 11.3 106 White 1988
Spitalfields C16th 8.2 488 Morant & Hoadley 1931*
Whitechapel C17th 8.7 275 Macdonnall 1904*
Moorfields C17th prob 6.7 120 Macdonnell 1906*
Faringdon C17th 9.6 355 Hooke 1926*
St Andrews Kirkhill C11–C14 17 100 Bruce, Cross & Kerr 1990
Whithorn C13–C15th 11.4 563 Cardy 1997a
Aberdeen Carmelite friary C13–C17th 16 149 Cardy, this study
Linlithgow C13–C17th 22 95 Cross & Bruce 1989
Ayr St John's Tower 14 141 Cardy 1994
Hebride's Ensay C15–C18th 21 162 Miles 1989
St Andrews Logie's Lane C15–C16th 28 42 Cardy 1997b
Glasgow Cathedral Medieval 3 33 King 2002


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