Table 4: Crofts
Of the above list of properties granted to or gifted to the Carmelites at least 5 of the entries are to crofts (or multiple crofts). In fact the list refers to some eight different crofts. The 1592 list below refers to 13 different crofts associated with the friary. These crofts were presumably all leased out for commercial gain, or in many cases probably the rent was paid in kind and would have been a much needed supplement for the friars table. According the 1592 grant of Friars lands the following 13 crofts were held by the Carmelites:
1. Doucat croft
2. Langlands
3. Cuttings
4. Pynernook
5. Sowcroft
6. Hillcroft
7. Two butts in territory of Fitty
8. Ladycroftland or well croft
9. Eight roods
10. Pringle's croft
11. Unnamed croft
12. Three butts, near the Crabstane
13. Well croft, next to pynernook (Anderson 1889, 36)


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