Table 45: Total numbers of mammal and bird bones (1980-1 excavation)
Species 1 2 2a 2c 3 3a 4 4a 5 Total
Cattle 1 7 20 57 36 20 21 2 59 223
Sheep/goat 1 20 12 43 53 9 21 11 70 240
Goat 1 1
Pig 4 2 4 4 1 3 4 22
Horse 4 11 3 2 20
Dog 1 16 17
Cat 1 1 1 1 4
Fox/cf Fox 1 1 2
Weasel 1 1
Cetacean 1 1
cf Hare 1 1
Large Ungulate 3 5 12 24 49 13 13 4 54 177
Small Ungulate 8 2 6 26 5 9 2 44 102
Indeterminate Mammal 13 29 30 98 68 24 35 9 58 364
Domestic Fowl 4 1 6 16 2 6 21 56
cf Fowl 3 3 2 8
Black Grouse 1 1
Partridge 1 1
Goose 3 1 3 7
Duck sp 1 1
Curlew 2 1 3
Wader sp 1 1
Feral Pigeon 1 1
Indeterminate Bird 6 3 6 1 2 24 42
Total 19 84 84 248 266 88 113 28 363 1296


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