Table 52: Sheep/goat mandibles from the Green, classified by the wear stages of Grant (1982) and Payne (1973)
Grant stages
Trench Context Phase mws TWS Payne stage Age inference
A 152 2a -gg 36-39 G 4-6 yrs
B 397 2a gbC 20 D 1-2 yrs
B 397 2a gf½ 27 E 2-3 yrs
B 397 2a --g 36-46 G-H 4-8 yrs
B 398 2a (dm3=e) - est B/C 2-12 mths
B 402HM 2a ggc 32 E 2-3 yrs
B 261 5 mgg 41 G 4-6 yrs
B 302 5 (dm3=f) 04-Dec est B/C 2-12 mths
B 328 5 est B/C 2-12 mths
B 231 5 (dm3=c) 02-Jun est B 2-6 mths
A 88 5 hge 35 F 3-4 yrs
A 54 6 jgg 38 G 4-6 yrs
A 54 6 jgg 35 F 3-4 yrs
A 60 7 gfc 31 E 2-3 yrs
A 2 7 gg- 28-36 EFG 2-6 yrs
A 1 8 -ge 34-37 F 3-4 yrs
H 830ND 5 gfa 29 D 1-2 yrs
H 830ND 5 gfb 30 E 2-3 yrs
H 519 8 --g 36-46 est GH 4-8 yrs
H 665 05-Jul gec 30 E 2-3yrs
H 1221 05-Jul kgg 39 G 4-6 yrs
H 1241 05-Jul kg- est 39 est G 4-6 yrs
H 1246 05-Jul E(g) 3 B 2-6 mths


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