Table 66: Bird bones species and bone
fowl fowl/grouse fowl-sized Total
skull 2 2 - 4
jaw 1 - - 1
sternum 7 20 - 27
furcula 24 7 - 31
coracoid 75 - - 75
scapula 41 - - 41
humerus 85 12 3 100
radius 49 8 3 60
ulna 51 24 8 83
carpometacarpus 22 - - 22
femur 61 10 2 73
tibiotarsus 55 35 4 94
fibula 1 3 1 5
tarsometatarsus 30 - - 30
os coxa 10 - - 10
synsacrum 15 - 2 17
vertebra 6 - 4 10
rib -- 31 31
wing phalanx - - 1 1
foot phalanx - - 9 9
Total 535 121 68 724


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