5.10 Class 10

This class is made using several Fabric Groups (mainly 2, 8, 1), which are medium to coarse in texture, with sand temper as noted in vessels of Class 1, which are similar. Indeed, a whitish deposit is also present on many potsherds. Yet on vessels of Class 10 we also see organic temper and imprints visible on both surfaces. Vessels are shaped using a combination of coils and plates, followed by a process of smoothing probably on a slow wheel. Although smoothing traces are clearly noticeable, the general aspect looks coarser and we can feel small irregularities. All pots have been fired in an oxidising atmosphere (7.5YR-5/6 strong brown, 7.5YR-6/6 reddish yellow, 2.5YR-7/6 light red, 5YR-5/6 yellowish red). Two variants have been defined according to the decoration. The first one encompasses plain potsherds, while the second variant incorporates potsherds with a red and/or micaceous slip. Incised (horizontal lines) and impressed (small squares) decoration are noted on the external surface of both variants.

Class 10 variant 1 (n=48) (Figure 30)

This variant comprises plain potsherds. Vessels with restrictive shapes (pots with in-turned rims and pots with out-turned rims), as well as unrestrictive shapes (bowls) exist. On one rim-sherd, a line of small squares has been impressed at the junction between the shoulder and the rim. For vessel forms, see Lefrancq and Hawkes (2019b, plate 29).

Figure 30
Figure 30: External and internal sides of rim with impressed decoration, Class 10 variant 1-type 3, MHR2002.E6.3. Image credit: Authors.

Class 10 variant 2 (n=20) (Figure 31)

This variant consists of potsherds displaying a micaceous slip, sometimes combined with a red slip (10R-4/6 red, 10R-4/8 red, 10R-5/8 red). Compared with those of variant 1, vessels with restrictive shapes are more numerous. We find shallow bowls and pots with out-turned rim such as jars with neck and everted rim. For vessel forms, see Lefrancq and Hawkes (2019b, plate 30).

Figure 31
Figure 31: External and internal sides of rim, Class 10 variant 2-type 4, MHR2002.E15.10. Image credit: Authors.


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