5.4 Class 4 (n=1)

Only one distinctive rim-sherd (a necked-jar with an out-turned and featureless rim) was classified as belonging to Class 4 (Figure 18). It is made using a fabric belonging to Fabric Group 12, characterised by a very fine sandy paste, with a few whitish inclusions and mica. The fabric is very hard. The colour of the fabric visible in section is red-orange (5YR-6/6 reddish yellow, 2.5YR-7/8 light red). Owing to the small size and heavily eroded condition of the rim sherd, it is difficult to identify the fashioning technique but the piece is of uniform thickness. The surfaces are soapy and rough to the touch. The vessel most probably has a restrictive shape. Taken together, the different manufacturing processes visible in this sherd suggest that it could have been non-locally made. For vessel forms, see Lefrancq and Hawkes (2019b, plate 11).

Figure 18
Figure 18: External and internal sides of rim, Class 4, MHR2002.B9.1-type 1. Image credit: Authors.


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